Galilei" GG

GGG laboratory experiment

"Galileo Galilei" (GG): space test of the weak Equivalence Principle to 10^-17 and laboratory demonstrations, by A.M. Nobili, M. Shao, R. Pegna, S.G. Turyshev, D.M. Lucchesi, A. De Michele, S. Doravari, G.L. Comandi. T.R. Saravanan, F. Palmonari, G. Catastini and A. Anselmi, Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2012
The GGG experiment: state of the art (September 2011), Prepared by A.M. Nobili and R. Pegna for INFN-CSNII, 28 September 2011
GGG best results: Relevance to GG and evidence for passive reduction of low frequency terrain tilts, Talk given by A.M. Nobili, Pisa Workshop February 2010
GGG history and results: Note for the President of INFN-CSNII Prof. Roberto Battiston, Prepared by A.M. Nobili, Pisa September 2009
Experimental validation of a high accuracy test of the Equivalence Principle with small satellite "Galileo Galilei-GG", by A.M. Nobili, G.L. Comandi, S. Doravari, F. Maccarrone, D. Bramanti, E. Polacco, International Journal of Modern Physics D, 16, pp. 2259-2270, 2007
Dynamical response of the “GGG” rotor to test the Equivalence Principle: theory, simulation and experiment. Part I: the normal modes, by
G. L. Comandi, M. L. Chiofalo, R. Toncelli, D. Bramanti, E. Polacco, A. M. Nobili, Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 77, pp. 034501--1-15, 2006
Dynamical response of the “GGG” rotor to test the Equivalence Principle: theory, simulation and experiment. Part II: the rejection of common mode forces, by
G. L. Comandi, R. Toncelli, M. L. Chiofalo, D. Bramanti, A. M. Nobili, Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 77, pp 034502--1-10, 2006
PhD Thesis "A fast rotating differential accelerometer for testing the Equivalence Principle: Preliminary Results" by G.L. Comandi, Defended December 2004
Galilei-GG on the Ground": experimental results and perspectives, by G.L.
Comandi, A.M. Nobili, D. Bramanti, R. Toncelli, E. Polacco and M.L. Chiofalo, Physics Letters A, vol 318, pp. 213-222, 2003
The fast rotating "GGG" differential acclerometer for testing the equivalence principle: current state and analysis of seismic disturbances, by A.M. Nobili, D: Bramanti, G.L. Comandi, R. Toncelli, E. Polacco, M.L. Chiofalo, in Proceedings of the XXXVIIIth Rencontres de Moriond "Gravitational Waves and Experimental Gravity", J. Dumarchez and J. Tran Thanh Van Eds., The Gioi Publishers, Vietnam pp. 371-376, 2003
A rotating differential accelerometer for testing the equivalence principle in space: results from
laboratory tests of a ground prototype, by A.M. Nobili, D. Bramanti, G. Comandi, R. Toncelli and E. Polacco, New Astronomy, 8, pp.371-390, 2003 (paper in PDF)
anna nobili
Last edited: July 2012 |