"Galileo Galilei" GG


A review

The international context

A slide tour

A prototype in the lab

Open discussion on
radiometer effect

International Workshop
May 27-29, 2002




Evaluation of GG

What's going on....


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"Galileo Galilei" (GG) Advanced Phase A Study

In March 2000 ASI issued a Call for one small mission in the field of Earth Sciences
GG was sumbitted in response to this Call for two reasons: (See proposal text in PDF format) )

  1. For its possible applications in space geodesy and atmospheric sciences

  2. To make it more competitive in the international framework where space missions to test the Equivalence Principle are being investigated by other national space agencies (NASA, CNES) with the contribution of ESA.

In October 2000 the Administration Council of ASI took its decisions:

While the current ASI competition is for one small mission fully dedicated to Earth Sciences,  an Advanced Phase A Study of the GG Proposal has been independently approved  to make the project more competitive in  the international framework.

The goals of this Study are:
1.  To investigate the feasibility of the GG experiment in sun-synchronous (high inclination) orbit so as to identify a low cost launcher
2. To provide stronger evidence from the GGG laboratory prototype that the space experiment is feasible.

The GG Advanced Phase A Study will be completed by May 2002 and the results will be presented at the International Workshop of Pisa-Florence, May 27-29 2002.


anna nobili   
Last edited:  2002-02-21  


"Galileo Galilei" (GG) Advanced Phase A Study

In March 2000 ASI issued a Call for one small mission in the field of Earth Sciences
GG was sumbitted in response to this Call for two reasons: (See proposal text in PDF format) )

  1. For its possible applications in space geodesy and atmospheric sciences

  2. To make it more competitive in the international framework where space missions to test the Equivalence Principle are being investigated by other national space agencies (NASA, CNES) with the contribution of ESA.

In October 2000 the Administration Council of ASI took its decisions:

While the current ASI competition is for one small mission fully dedicated to Earth Sciences,  an Advanced Phase A Study of the GG Proposal has been independently approved  to make the project more competitive in  the international framework.

The goals of this Study are:
1.  To investigate the feasibility of the GG experiment in sun-synchronous (high inclination) orbit so as to identify a low cost launcher
2. To provide stronger evidence from the GGG laboratory prototype that the space experiment is feasible.

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Anna Nobili
Last Updated: February 2002