"Galileo Galilei" GG


A review

The international context

A slide tour

A prototype in the lab

Open discussion on
radiometer effect

International Workshop
May 27-29, 2002




Evaluation of GG

What's going on....


gg_fisso_bluscuro_small.gif (6094 bytes)


"sine ira et studio...."
(Tacitus, Annales - Incipit;
~ 100-117 A.C.)


Radiometer effect in space missions to test the equivalence principle
(and related issues on the different design of the 3 proposed projects: Microscope, STEP and GG


  1. May 2001: An analysis on "Radiometer effect in space missions to test the equivalence principle", carried out by the GG scientists, is published as rapid communication in Phys. Rew. D Vol 63, 101101  (Article as PDF File, 85 KB)

  2. Jyly 2001: Issue N. 13 of Class. Quantum Grav. is published, containing the proceedings of the Symposium on "Testing the Equivalence Principle in Space" (Septemper 4-7 2000, Ross Priory, Glasgow, Scotland).   Relevant to this discussion are the papers: "The Microscope space mission" (Touboul and Rodrigues, PDF file 319 KB); "STEP error model development" (Worden, Mester and Torii, PDF file 114 KB); "Can the equivalence principle be tested with freely orbiting masses?" (Blaser, PDF file 158 KB). The Symposium covered the STEP and Microscope projects,  but not the GG project (the GG scientists were not informed of the Symposium).

  3. October 2001: Concerns on the radiometer effect and the configuration of the accelerometer in the Microscope space mission, are brought to the attention of the Chairman of the Fundamental Physics Advisory Group (FPAG) of ESA by A. Nobili  (Letter as PDF file, 17 KB)

  4. December 2001: Motivated by the paper published in July on "The Microscope space mission" (Touboul and Rodrigues, PDF file 319 KB), the GG scientists have re-examined the radiometer effect for this mission. As a result, the manuscipt  "Radiometer effect in the Microscope space mission" is brought to the attention of the Director of Science at ESA  (text of e-mail message). Director answers "I have asked for advice on the issues you raise."

  5. January 2002: A revised version of the manuscipt "Radiometer effect in the Microscope space mission" is brought to the attention of Dr Pierre Touboul, Principal Investigator of the Microscope project. Copy also to FPAG members and to the Director of Science at ESA (text of e-mail message; Manuscript as PDF file, 67 KB)

  6. January 2002: Pierre Touboul, Principal Investigator of the Microscope project,  answers on  "Radiometer effect in the Microscope space mission" (letter to A. Nobili in html format;  As PDF file obtained from scanned images, 1.4 MB), and on the concerns raised in October 2001 (letter to FPAG in html format; As PDF file obtained from scanned images, 1.1 MB)

  7. January 2002: Anna Nobili answers Pierre Touboul  (copy also to FPAG members and to the Director of Science at ESA). Convergence on the main issues may be achieved in a few iterations (Letter as PDF file, 115 KB).

  8. April 2002: Albrecht Ruediger circulates the manuscript: Residual gas effects in space-borne position sensors . He points out the presence of "an  even stronger noise source due to the temperature dependence of the outgassing rate of the sensor cage" and questions the way radiometer effect has been evaluated so far.

  9. April 2002/May 2002: Anna Nobili sends to Albrecht Ruediger the notes: Radiometer & outgassing: Notes on the manuscript: "Residual gas effects in space-borne position sensors"; reports literature on radiometer effect to confirm the validity of previous calculations; evaluates relevance of outgassing for sensors of interest.

anna nobili  
Last edited:  2002-05-04