Galilei" GG

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GG & related general papers

- Testing the equivalence principle in space after the MICROSCOPE mission, by Anna M. Nobili and Alberto Anselmi, Phys. Rev. D 98, 042002, 2018
- Relevance of the weak equivalence principle and experiments to test it: lessons from the past and improvements expected in space, by Anna M. Nobili and Alberto Anselmi, Phys. Lett. A, Special issue in memory of Vladimir Braginsky, Phys. Lett. A 382, 2205-2218, 2018
- Do general relativistic effects limit experiments to test the universality of free fall and the weak equivalence principle, by Anna M. Nobili, Physical Review D 94, 124047, 2016
- Laboratory tests of a high-precision laser interferometry readout for the GG experiment in space, by M. Pisani, M. Zucco and A. M. Nobili, IEEE 978-1-4673-8292-2/16, 260-265, 2016
- Fundamental limitations to high-precision tests of the universality of free fall by dropping atoms, by A. M. Nobili, Physical Review A 93, 023617, 2016
- Design of an interferometric displacement sensor with picometer resolution for the Galileo-Galilei mission, by M. Pisani, G. Mana and A. M. Nobili, IEEE 978-1-4799-7569-3/15, 591-595, 2015
- Testing the weak equivalence principle with macroscopic proof masses on ground and in space: a brief review, by Anna M. Nobili, International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series 30, 1460254(9), 2014
- On the universality of free fall, the equivalence principle and the gravitational redshift, by A.M. Nobili, D. M. Lucchesi, M. T. Crosta, M. Shao, S.G. Turyshev, R. Peron, G. Catatastini, A. Anselmi, G. Zavattini, American Journal of Physics 81, 527-536, 2013
- "Galileo Galilei" (GG): space test of the weak Equivalence Principle to 10-17 and laboratory demonstrations, by A.M. Nobili, M. Shao, R. Pegna, S.G. Turyshev, D.M. Lucchesi, A. De Michele, S. Doravari, G.L. Comandi. T.R. Saravanan, F. Palmonari, G. Catastini and A. Anselmi, Classical and Quantum Gravity Focus Issue on the Weak Equivalence Principle 29, 184011 (18p), 2012
- Abatement of thermal noise due to internal damping in 2D oscillators with rapidly rotating test masses, by R. Pegna, A.M. Nobili, M. Shao, S.G. Turyshev, G. Catastini, A. Anselmi, R. Spero, S. Doravari, G.L. Comandi, A. De Michele, Physical Review Letters 107, 200801, 2011
- Equivalence Principle test in space, by Anna M. Nobili, Il Nuovo Saggiatore 26, 19-27, 2010
- Testing the Weak Equivalence Principle, by A. M. Nobili, G. L. Comandi, R. Pegna, D. Bramanti, S. Doravari, F. Maccarrone and D. M. Lucchesi, Proceedings IAU Symposium No. 261, 2009, Relativity in Fundamental Astronomy, S. A. Klioner, P. K. Seidelman & M. H. Soffel, eds. Cambridge University press 5, S261 pp. 390-401, 2010
- "Galileo Galilei" (GG) a small satellite to test the equivalence principle of Galileo, Newton and Einstein, by Anna M. Nobili, Gian Luca Comandi, Suresh Doravari, Donato Bramanti, Rajeev Kumar, Francesco Maccarrone, Erseo Polacco, Slava G. Turyshev, Michael Shao, John Lipa, Hansjoerg Dittus, Claus Laemmerzhal, Achim Peters, Jurgen Mueller, C. S. Unnikrishnan, Ian W. Roxburgh, Alain Brillet, Christian Marchal, Jun Luo, Jozef van der Ha, Vadim Milyukov, Valerio Iafolla, David Lucchesi, Paolo Tortora, Paolo De Bernardis, Federico Palmonari, Sergio Focardi, Dino Zanello, Salvatore Monaco, Giovanni Mengali, Luciano Anselmo, Lorenzo Iorio & Zoran Knezevic, Experimental Astronomy 23, 689-710, 2009
- Limitations to testing the equivalence with satellite laser ranging, by
A.M. Nobili, G.L. Comandi, D. Bramanti, S. Doravari, D. Lucchesi, F. Maccarrone, General Relativity and Gravitation 40, 1533-1544, 2008
- Experimental validation of a high accuracy test of the Equivalence Principle with small satellite “Galileo Galilei-GG” , by
A.M. Nobili, G.L. Comandi, S. Doravari, F. Maccarrone, D. Bramanti, E. Polacco,
International Journal of Modern Physics D, 16, 2259-2270, 2007
- Design of the GG satellite, by A. Anselmi and G. Catastini, Physics Letters A, vol. 318 pp. 205-212, 2003
"Galileo Galilei-GG": design, requirements, error budget and significance of the ground prototype, by A.M. Nobili, D. Bramanti, G.L. Comandi, R. Toncelli, E. Polacco, M.L. Chiofalo, Physics Letters A, vol. 318 pp. 172-183, 2003
- "Galileo Galilei-GG on the Ground": experimental results and perspectives, by G.L. Comandi, A.M. Nobili, D. Bramanti, R. Toncelli, E. Polacco and M.L. Chiofalo, Physics Letters A, vol 318, pp. 213-222, 2003
- "Tidal effects in space experiments to test the equivalence principle:
implications on the experiment design", by
G.L. Comandi, A.M. Nobili, R. Toncelli and M.L. Chiofalo, Physics Letters A, vol 318, pp. 251-269, 2003
- A rotating
differential accelerometer for testing the equivalence principle in space: results from
laboratory tests of a ground prototype, by A.M. Nobili, D. Bramanti, G.L. Comandi, R.
Toncelli, E. Polacco, New Astronomy 8, 371-390, 2003
(read paper in PDF format)
- Radiometer effect in the Microscope space mission , by A.M. Nobili, D. Bramanti, G. Comandi, R. Toncelli, E. Polacco, New Astronomy 7, pp.521-529, 2002
- Precise gravitation measurements
on Earth and in space: Tests of the Equivalence Principle, by A.M. Nobili, in
Proceedings of the International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi" Course CXLVI Recent
Advances in Metrology and Fundamental Constants, Eds. T.J. Quinn, S. Leschiutta and P.
Tavella, IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 609-652, 2001
- Radiometer effect in space missions to test the Equivalence Principle , by A.M. Nobili, D. Bramanti, G. Comandi, R. Toncelli, E. Polacco, G. Catastini, Physical Review D, Rapid Communications, 63, 101101(R), 2001
- "Galileo Galilei" (GG). Proposed
Space Experiment to Test the equivalence Principle and Preliminary Results from the
Prototype on the Ground, by A.M. Nobili, D. Bramanti, E. Polacco, I.W. Roxburgh, G.
Comandi, A. Anselmi, G. Catastini, A. Lenti and A. Severi, in Proceedings of
"1999NASA/JPL International Conference on Fundamental Physics in Space", April
29, 30 and May 1, Washington DC 1999, NASA Document D-18925, 309-327, 1999
- Evaluation of a proposed test of test
of the weak equivalence principle using Earth-orbiting bodies in high-speed co-rotation:
re-establishing the physical bases, A.M. Nobili et al., Class. Quantum Grav. 16,
1463-1470, 1999
- Proposed non cryogenic, non drag free
test of the equivalence principle in space, by A.M. Nobili, D, Bramanti, E. Polacco,
G. Catastini, G. Genta, E. Brusa, V.B. Mitrofanov, A. Bernard, P. Touboul, A.J. Cook, J.
Hough, I.W. Roxburgh, A. Polnarev, W. Flury, F. Barlier, C. Marchal: , New
Astronomy 3, 175-218, 1998
- Passive vibration isolation in a spinning spacecraft, by G. Catastini, A.M. Nobili and D. Bramanti, Pisa November 1996
- Stabilization of weakly coupled rotors: a general derivation of the required forces, by D, Bramanti, A.M. Nobili and
G. Catastini, Pisa November 1996
- "Galileo
Galilei''. Flight experiment on the Equivalence Principle with field emission electric
propulsion, by A.M. Nobili, D. Bramanti, E. Polacco, G. Catastini, A. Milani, L.
Anselmo, M. Andrenucci, S. Marcuccio, G. Genta, C. Delprete, E. Brusa, D. Bassani, G.
Vannaroni, M. Dobrowolny, E. Melchioni, C. Arduini, U. Ponzi, G. Laneve, D. Mortari, M.
Parisse, F. Curti, F. Cabiati, E. Rossi, A. Sosso, G. Zago, S. Monaco, G. Gori Giorgi, S.
Battilotti, L. D'Antonio, G. Amicucci, Journal of the Astronautical Sciences
43, 219-242, 1995
anna nobili
Last edited: July 2012