Next: A Two Dimensional Harmonic
Donato Bramanti, Anna M Nobili and Giuseppe Catastini
Gruppo di Meccanica Spaziale, Dipartimento di Matematica, Universitdi Pisa, Italia
Pisa November 1996
A system of two weakly coupled rotors with natural frequency of
relative oscillation much smaller than the spin frequency
non zero dissipation (due to friction inside its rotating parts, referred to as rotating
damping) is known to develop a forward whirling motion of increasing amplitude. The
force necessary to stabilize the system (by preventing the whirling motion from growing)
is derived on the basis of general physical principles with no assumption on the nature
and the amount of dissipation in the system. It is found that, even in the presence of
very high viscous friction the stabilizing force is smaller than the elastic spring force
which couples the system. In all other cases (structural damping only, or structural
damping plus small-to-medium viscous damping) the frequency of the destabilizing whirling
motion is essentially the natural frequency of the system and the stabilizing force is
of the spring force,
being the quality factor of the springs
which accounts for all dissipation (structural plus viscous), measured at the spin
frequency. In the GG case, where the spin frequency is
at which very high
can be
achieved (as we have already found in laboratory tests), the required stabilizing force is
therefore smaller than the spring force by far. Application of the right amount of force
by means of active electrostatic dampers which spin together with the rotors does in no
way change the amount of stabilizing force to be provided; this has also been checked in a
thorough numerical simulation of the GG system carried out by Alenia Spazio, including
drag disturbance and implementation errors, and with a very conservative assumption on the
amount of dissipation in the system. We conclude that: i) the stabilizing forces
required in the GG experiment (provided by electrostatic actuators spinning with the
system) are a factor about
smaller than the value claimed by Y. Jafry
and M. Weinberger in their Appendix to the ESTEC Technical Assessment of GG; ii)
even in the presence of a very large amount of viscous damping the stabilizing forces
would be smaller than the spring forces and never dominate the system. We notice that Y.
Jafry and M. Weinberger have assumed the damping coefficient of the system (whose physical
dimensions are mass/time) to depend on the reference frame, which is clearly
incorrect in Galilean mechanics. Moreover, they appear to have misunderstood non
rotating friction with friction in the bearings, claiming that the system is
stabilized by friction in the bearings (or by an active simulation of it), while the most
efficient way of stabilizing the system is well known to be the non rotating friction (or
an active simulation of it). From the fact that the active damping forces are much smaller
than the forces of the springs it follows that the essentially passive nature of the GG
space experiment at a rotation rate of
is confirmed. Extremely weak mechanical
coupling and good balancing of the test masses (a common mode rejection of
has already been
achieved with a ground prototype) are very advantageous for testing the Equivalence
Principle, as it is the signal modulation at
Next: A Two Dimensional Harmonic
(Anna Nobili-